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Residential Rehabilitation Centre
Residential Rehabilitation Centre
Residential Rehabilitation Centre
Residential Rehabilitation Centre
Residential Rehabilitation Centre
Residential Rehabilitation Centre

Castle Craig

Blyth Bridge
West Linton
EH46 7DH

Centre Description

Castle Craig residential rehabilitation centre which treats alcoholism, drug abuse and many other addictions. It was originally a mansion house, built two hundred years ago by the Earl of Hyndford. In 1988 it was converted into a 55-bed hospital by Peter and Dr. Margaret Ann McCann. Since then our qualified and experienced team of doctors, nurses and therapists have helped almost 10,000 patients on the road to recovery.

Located in Scotland, Castle Craig Hospital is one of Europe’s leading drug and alcohol residential rehabilitation clinics. We provide inpatient treatment for people with addictive diseases. Our extensive experience and expert medical care have been helping people overcome drug and alcohol addiction for over 23 years.

Castle Craig

A Leading UK Rehab Centre

Castle Craig is regulated by Healthcare Improvement Scotland and is a prime and extra contractor to the National Health Service. We are a preferred provider to major UK medical insurers and are recognised by the Dutch healthcare system and other governments outside the UK.

Residential rehabilitation begins with people, which is why our most unique resource is our staff of caring and deeply committed individuals. Some have moved thousands of miles in order to join in our work and some are former patients of Castle Craig.The starting point for all our staff is to assist people into life-long recovery and to make the lives of addicts and their families manageable again. This is about treating the disease of addiction, and treating it by using the best-evidenced and proven treatment methods.

A Unique Addiction Treatment Clinic

Conveying what makes Castle Craig unique is by no means easy until it has been experienced up close. The words and experiences of our patients perhaps convey the strongest messages. Our information video is a valuable source of understanding and information about the mission of Castle Craig. Explore the various parts of this section and if you are left with any questions then contact us for more information.


Addiction is a chronic brain disease which causes mental and physical harm to the user. As addiction becomes established, neurochemical changes take place in the brain which affect the person’s self-control and decision making processes. People suffering from addiction will experience an overriding impulse to continue drinking or using drugs despite the harm it is causing. Unfortunately because this illness is also characterised by denial and a lack of insight many people do not seek help for their addictions until the problem is severe and causing serious distress to themselves, their family and friends.

Experienced Staff

Castle Craig Hospital provides a safe, therapeutic environment where patients are able to explore their addictive behaviour, benefit from assessment by a consultant psychiatrist and professional help from a team of experienced therapists and nurses. Sometimes another addiction may co-exist along with the main addiction and it is essential that these other dependencies are addressed. At our rehab centre, abstinence from drugs and alcohol is essential. Residential rehabilitation leads to a new direction in achieving a fulfilling and meaningful life. It is the beginning of a life-long journey in recovery with sober friends and strong support networks.

Rehabilitation at Castle Craig

Our treatment model is described as the Minnesota Model or the “12 Step Treatment”. We view addiction as a disease and complete abstinence from all mind-altering drugs is necessary for long-lasting recovery. We also integrate the principles of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous into our treatment approach.

Treatment at the Castle Craig rehab centre includes the following:Admission & Assessment

All patients undergo a thorough and comprehensive assessment which begins before admission and continues during the subsequent few days following admission. Patients are assessed by the Consultant and by members of the multidisciplinary team. A specialist therapist trained in Family Therapy will arrange at least two family counselling sessions with the patient and family member.

A Treatment Plan for Full Rehabilitation

Each patient has a comprehensive, individualised care plan which establishes objectives to assist him/her to understand the illness of addiction and to address relapse triggers. The weekly ward round and daily team meetings, supervised by the Consultant, monitor the patient’s progress.

The Patient’s Therapist

Upon admission each patient is assigned a focal therapist who will meet at once with the patient providing their medical condition is stable. The therapist will coordinate the assessments and treatment planning in conjunction with the medical and nursing staff. It is the therapist’s role to guide the patient through the first five steps of the AA programme and to prepare the patient for discharge. Personalised psychotherapy provides the opportunity to address the threats to addiction recovery for the patient and for the family.


Drug & Alcohol Detox at Castle Craig

As soon as a patient is admitted onto our rehab programme, a Consultant will assess their alcohol or drug detox requirements. Our staff are sensitive to the needs of patients during this difficult period; providing support, encouragement and easing discomfort.

Personal and Group Therapy

The personalised addiction treatment programme is intensively structured and there is an overall consistency and clarity of focus. Each patient is assigned a focal therapist (cursor) who will conduct individual psychotherapy. Specialised group therapy sessions are held twice daily.

Educational Therapy

The psycho-educational lecture component reinforces the group process and patients receive approximately 60 lectures during the six-week treatment period. The daily lectures by the clinical team cover a broad range of topics.

Therapeutic Community

New admissions to our rehab clinic will receive a warm and caring welcome, not only from staff but also from their peers. The family atmosphere at Castle Craig and positive peer influences help in the identification of feelings, problem solving and the process of change. A renewed sense of empowerment, hope and self esteem, lost during alcohol and drug abuse, results from shared experiences and openness between group members.

After Care and Discharge Planning

The importance of aftercare and discharge planning is emphasised throughout the treatment period. For some patients a period of time in our Extended Care hospital programme will prove invaluable. At the end of treatment the patient will be referred back to the general practitioner or any other medical practitioners involved in the patient’s care. When community addiction teams are involved, Castle Craig works in partnership with these referral bodies. Essential support networks include the 12 step fellowships and contacts within these fellowships will be arranged by the patient’s therapist. Castle Craig also provides an aftercare programme, assisting graduates to apply the new knowledge they have gained.Please follow the visit website button above for further in formation. Also you can use the send email button to ask Castle Craig any questions directly

  • Centre Information

  • Centre Type
  • 12 Step Treatment Centre
  • Addiction Treatment
  • Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centre
  • Alcoholism Treatment
  • Clinical Alcohol & Drug Rehab
  • Counsellor Training Center
  • Counsellors – Substance Abuse
  • Detox Center
  • Family Counselling
  • Luxury Rehabilitation Center
  • Substance Abuse Treatment Centre
  • Applications From
  • Adult Male & Female
  • Counselling Services
  • After Care
  • Couple Counselling
  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program
  • Family Counselling
  • Grief Counselling
  • Group Therapy
  • One To One
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Facilities
  • 24-Hour-Cover
  • Car Parking
  • De-Tox-Available
  • Disabled-Facilities
  • Educational Workshops
  • Garden
  • Information-Videos
  • Nutrition
  • Languages
  • English
  • Treatments
  • 12 Step Treatment Program
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • After Care Program
  • Drug Abuse
  • Food Eating Disorders
  • Gambling Addiction