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Twelve Step Recovery Programs

Twelve Step Recovery Programs

Twelve step recovery programs from alcoholics anonymous, many have been adapted to fit 12 step recovery program groups over the years.

Narcotics anonymous, Gamblers anonymous, Cocaine anonymous plus other successful twelve step groups are listed below. This may not be all 12 twelve step recovery programs available but it is all we can find at this time.

ACA – Adult Children of Alcoholics (also abbreviated as ACOA) 

Al-Anon/Alateen, for friends and family members of alcoholics 

AA – Alcoholics Anonymous 

CA – Cocaine Anonymous 

CLA – Clutterers Anonymous 

CMA – Crystal Meth Anonymous 

CoDA – Co-Dependents Anonymous 

Co-Anon – for friends and family of addicts 

COSA – Codependents of Sex Addicts 

COSLAA – CoSex and Love Addicts Anonymous 

DA – Debtors Anonymous 

EA – Emotions Anonymous 

EHA – Emotional Health Anonymous 

GA – Gamblers Anonymous 

MA – Marijuana Anonymous 

NA – Narcotics Anonymous 

NAIL – Neurotics Anonymous 

Nar-Anon – for friends and family members of addicts 

NicA – Nicotine Anonymous 

OA – Overeaters Anonymous 

OLGA – Online Gamers Anonymous 

SA – Sexaholics Anonymous 

SAA – Sex Addicts Anonymous 

SCA – Sexual Compulsives Anonymous 

SA – Smokers Anonymous 

SLAA – Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous 

WA – Workaholics Anonymous 

Should you think any of the above twelve step recovery programs or twelve step programmes ( programs ) is for you then please look in your local press for contact details or ask your doctor for contact information.
If you know of any that are missing please email the guide and we will try to add them for you.