Sober Coach – Companion
A good sober coach companion is available for emotional and physical support. Also an ideal sounding board for the prevention of relapsing.
Sober Coaching is similar to having your own therapist. Plus the added bonus that they will actively intervene in the client’s life, accompanying to emotionally difficult events. Like social or family gatherings, 12 step self-help meetings and much more.
The different types of sober companions include
Sober Coach on-call
If you know you will need accompanying during the difficult early days of recovery but can’t afford a 24-hour companion. This on-call companion is available on demand via telephone or video calls with regular check ins during the week.
Live-In sober Companion
A sober companion they would live at the client’s home or residence 24 hours a day for as long as needed. The goal will be to create a safe and manageable healthy lifestyle to maintain ongoing recovery during the difficult days of early recovery
A Sober Escort
A sober escort is employed to safely accompany a client from one point to another, basically a trained to travel sober coach. The escort can and will travel anywhere at short notice with a client that may or may not be still using drink or drugs. Ideal for getting to a first drug services appointment or ensuring safe arrival at detox or rehabilitation centre.
All of the above coaches will be involved in a 12 step fellowship, either AA, NA or CA unless you are looking for a non 12 step option. This is not recommended as the ongoing support needed once finished with a sober coach companion is only found within the 12 step fellowships. Your coach will be instrumental in supporting you while getting this support network in place.