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Drug Addiction Recovery
Drug Addiction Recovery
Drug Addiction Recovery
Drug Addiction Recovery
Drug Addiction Recovery
Drug Addiction Recovery
Drug Addiction Recovery

Houghton House

432 York Ave Ferndale
South Africa
+27 11 787 9142

Centre Description

Since 1995 Houghton House Group has offered high-quality Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery and Rehabilitation in South Africa. With specialist treatment for those suffering with alcoholism and or drug dependency. We are the leading treatment center authority in drugs and alcohol as well as substance abuse treatment. Beating and providing Drug Addiction Recovery in South Africa.

With over 22 years of experience, the Houghton House Group has embraced the multi-disciplinary Minnesota Model of treatment. This provides a high success rate of Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery and Rehabilitation.

Houghton House rates are exactly the same for International Clients

Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery and Rehabilitation in JHB.

At its core, the Minnesota Model has evolved to become a holistic treatment model. It deals with substance abuse treatment. This combines the expertise of medical and therapeutic professionals. The Counsellors that have first-hand experience with the twelve steps, addiction treatment, dependency and access to recovery. In our experience, the odds of recovery are greatest when both approaches are combined. Medical and psychiatric care covers the dual diagnosis of any other psychiatric conditions that often accompany alcoholism and drug addiction. For example, depression or other anxiety disorders. Trained counsellors that have gone through the experience of moving from active substance abuse to recovery are able to personally relate to the patient’s challenges. They also provide living proof of the new life that can be achieved in recovery.

Our programme has been refined and shaped to manage a wide variety of patients in terms of demographics and diagnoses.

We offer a full spectrum of care for individuals from all walks of life. Including substance abuse evaluations, educational services, outpatient treatment, residential care, halfway house accommodation, relapse prevention and recovery support, encompassing long-term treatment. Based on the understanding that addiction is not a moral failing. It is a recognised and diagnosable disease. Houghton House offers substance abuse and addiction and alcohol treatment programme phases that address the different stages of addiction that the individual may be in.

The experienced multi-disciplinary team of experts at Houghton House Drug & Alcohol Addiction Recovery & Rehabilitation. Include doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, certified addiction counsellors, nurses and other medical professionals. Treatment options we offer include access to recovery and behavioural therapy for dual-diagnosis patients. More often than not, addiction occurs with other pre-existing psychological issues, such as anxiety and/or depression. Houghton House provides a clinically integrated approach that addresses these underlying issues. A sustainable recovery depends on the treatment of the co-occurring disorder along with the addiction.

Best drug rehab centre in Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa

Based in Gauteng, South Africa, Houghton House has become a treatment centre destination for individuals seeking Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery and Rehabilitation center, treatment programmes, disorders treatment, drugs and alcohol abuse treatment in South Africa to be comparatively inexpensive when weighed against their counterpart Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery and Rehabilitation centres in those regions.



Our expert, caring team works hard to ensure you get help as quickly as possible for Admissions For All Your Drug and Alcohol Addiction Problems. The process begins by calling the Houghton House enquiry line and speaking to a professional person who is equipped to carry out a brief telephonic evaluation of the next step forward. This may involve immediate admission and or setting up an assessment.

Should the individual require and be willing to be admitted directly the practical aspects of this process can be facilitated with our support. An assessment process will identify the treatment needs based on the individual’s emotional, physical and psychiatric history. The financial considerations and the relevant medical aid cover will all be addressed.

Admissions For All Your Drug and Alcohol Addiction Problems

Houghton House is aligned with all major medical aid schemes. Our financial case managers have an expert understanding of medical aid benefits, and will streamline the process to ensure that patients receive the maximum benefit available. Payment options should be discussed with us and we will help to find the best payment solution for you.

We are also able to help loved ones plan a properly conducted intervention involving cooperation between the family or friends and one of our expert counsellors. It is often as a result of this action that the addicted person can finally receive the help they know they need.

Family Support

Who is it for:

The Houghton House Group’s family support programme is designed for friends and family members of alcoholics and addicts.


Our family support programme is located in Ferndale, Randburg.


Friends and family of clients at Houghton House are welcome to attend this programme for as long as they wish.  This is held on a Saturday from 12:30 pm to 14:00 pm at Houghton House Primary Rehabilitation Centre in Ferndale, Randburg.


Alcoholics and addicts families often feel confused, frustrated, angry, and helpless. Attending a family support group will help to alleviate confusion and anxiety. Family support group counsellors help to promote healing by identifying how addiction affects families and what family members can do to take care of themselves. By engaging with other individuals in a similar situation, loved ones of those with addiction learn that they can’t control addiction but by they can identify new, healthy ways of coping with their relationship with an addicted person.

Through education and guidance in small-group discussions with other family members you will gain knowledge and practical skills to support the addiction recovery process. You will:

Understand the disease of addiction and its impact on you and your family

Learn about the effects of alcohol and drug use on your loved one

Develop new techniques for living with a person in recovery

Gain support through interaction with other families

Plan for continued self-care and recovery

The programme includes:

Group sessions

Educational lectures


Our family support groups are facilitated by a range of professionals, including certified addiction counsellors, social workers and counselling psychologists.

Types Of Drug Addiction in South Africa

Drug and alcohol abuse is on the rise worldwide. South Africa is witnessing the scourge of addiction as the youth grows dependent on mind altering substances. We’re going to tell you about the Types Of Drug Addiction in South Africa. This is because alcohol and drugs are becoming easier to get hold of, some may say that it is easier for a teenager to get drugs then it is to get alcohol. In the communication and technological age, illegal substances are easier to find and easier to purchase. What many people overlook is the fact that addiction is a disease. There is also hope for addicts in the grip of this progressive illness. Treatment is available for all addictions, from heroin addiction to alcoholism. Recovery is possible. 

Widely used drugs in South Africa

Stimulants/ Uppers 

Crack, MDMA, Ecstasy, crystal meth, kat, tik and cocaine are just a few examples of uppers. Uppers or stimulants dangerously increase the heart rate and stimulate the brain. Many people use these substances to feel more powerful, energised and awake.

Typical signs of stimulant abuse include:
  • Reduced appetite or no appetite
  • High levels of energy
  • Dilated pupils
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Talkativeness
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Excitability
  • Hyperactivity

Heroin, Nyaope (which is heroin), codeine, alcohol, tranquilizers and mandrax are examples of downers. These substances delay certain brain functions, slowing or delaying the user’s mobility and speech. In cases such as heroin and alcohol, the user becomes physically addicted to the substance and has to let their body slowly detox from the substance. This is a painful but necessary process.

Typical signs of downer abuse include:
  • Drowsiness
  • Heaviness of the limbs
  • Shallow Breathing
  • Dry mouth
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Sleeping constantly/ passing out
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Confusion

These include: LSD, PCP, magic mushrooms, weed (which is usually referred to as a downer but carries qualities of both types of drugs).These substances distort reality, plunging the user into a world of distortion, dreams, colours and sounds. Some of these substances create auditory and visual hallucinations, sending the user into a state of absolute delusion and confusion. These drugs may seem harmless at first but long term abuse can lead to lifelong psychological problems.

Typical signs of hallucinogen abuse:
  • Distorted sense of sight
  • Distorted sense of sound
  • Dilated pupils
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Irrational behaviour
  • Mood swings
  • Severe confusion

These are just a few examples of addiction. Other types of addictions include: sex addiction, eating disorders, steroid abuse, prescription medication addiction and more…

It is vital that we as a society educate ourselves on the severity of addiction. If you suspect yourself, a loved one or a colleague is suffering with this illness, do the research.

Find out what treatments are available and what support groups are in the area. Reach out, ask for help and recognise that the human spirit can endure even the toughest of battles.

Call now to talk to one of our professional staff members 24/7

079 770 7532 (Inside SA) 
+27 79 770 7532 (International)
For more information e-mail or visit the Houghton House website by clicking on the buttons above
  • Centre Information

  • Centre Type
  • Counsellors – Substance Abuse
  • Detox Center
  • Family Counselling
  • Interventions for Substance Abuse
  • Outpatient – Aftercare Services
  • Applications From
  • Adult Male & Female
  • Counselling Services
  • After Care
  • Family Counselling
  • Group Therapy
  • Intervention
  • One To One
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Facilities
  • 24-Hour-Cover
  • Dietician
  • Garden
  • Meditation
  • Relaxation
  • Swimming-Pool
  • Languages
  • English
  • Treatments
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Co-Dependancy
  • Drug Abuse
  • Dual-Diagnosis
  • Relationships
  • Self-Harm-Issues