Clouds House
Action on Addiction East Knoyle
01747 830733
Centre Description
Clouds House alcoholism residential , set in a naturally therapeutic environment of beautiful Wiltshire parkland, has been helping people with alcoholism and addiction problems for 25 years.
In this beautiful and safe environment you can begin to understand your own true potential and build a new life without drugs or alcohol.
We offer a well-structured 12 step treatment programme for you to learn about yourself in relation to addiction. This helps vulnerability to relapse and assists sustaining recovery by working with the 12-step abstinence based philosophy.
There are many other optional activities and alternative therapies that are available to you to complement your treatment programme during your stay.
You will be looked after by our multi-disciplinary team of highly qualified counsellors, doctors and nurses. We also have our own in-house chef who cooks fresh and healthy food for you everyday.
We believe that protecting your confidentiality is vital to your alcoholism treatment.
If you are thinking of coming you might be interested to read more about our admissions procedure, the bedrooms and the other facilities at Clouds House. Please use the website button above for further information.
Your personal relationships play an important role in your recovery. We encourage families to get involved.
Your stay at Clouds House is just the beginning of your life in recovery. There are many aftercare programmes across the country and Clouds House offers its own weekly or fortnightly aftercare programme on Fridays.
The treatment at Clouds House is accredited by the European Association for the Treatment of Addiction.
Clouds House Treatment Programme
Your treatment at Clouds House will take either 4 or 6 weeks, depending on your personal circumstances. During that time you will live in Clouds House with other individuals recovering from addiction problems.
We offer a well-structured treatment programme for you to learn about yourself in relation to addiction, your vulnerability to relapse and how you can maintain recovery.
You will participate in all therapeutic activities that are scheduled throughout the day.
As well as assignments, there are practical tasks which are designed to help you develop better ways of relating to others and dealing with your problems. Living together with others in a therapeutic community working towards the same goal also aids your recovery.
Key elements of the treatment programme:
Group therapy – including men’s/women’s group
Education through lectures
Educational videos
One-to-one relapse prevention counselling
Reading/writing assignments
There are additional creative workshops, such as:
Creative Writing
Art Therapy
Drumming workshops
Theatre Workshops
An important part of working together and learning how to live differently is engaging with the everyday tasks that bring routine back into your lives.
Therapeutic Duties around the House are assigned weekly taking into account your current physical ability. For example you may be asked to vacuum clean the shared lounge area or set the meal tables.
Clouds – our mission
To provide services which offer the greatest hope of the fullest possible life to anyone affected by addiction
To help develop a treatment workforce capable of delivering such services
Through research, to improve our understanding of addiction and our responses to it.
Clouds – our values
Place our duty to our beneficiaries above all else
Be exemplary in all that we do
Pay all due regard to evidence
Value what people have in common and to value their differences
Be professional while retaining a vocational spirit
Work with others who share our aims and values
Any questions about the referral process for addiction or alcoholism treatment, funding, anything else that may be concerning you. Please telephone the Referrals & Admissions Department on 01747 832 070, or use the email button above.
Please follow the website button above for the Action on Addiction webpage and further information
Centre Information
Centre Type
Counsellor Training Center
Counsellors – Substance Abuse
Detox Center
Applications From
Adult Male & Female
Counselling Services
After Care
Group Therapy
One To One
Relapse Prevention
Alcohol Abuse
Drug Abuse
Food Eating Disorders
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